I didn’t know you did that! – part1

Here are Frame It / Waban Gallery and Waban Photo we are always  on the lookout for new services and products to add to our offerings. Over the last few years we have dramatically increased and refined what we offer but not everyone is aware of all that we can do. It seems that every week we get customers who says “I didn’t realize you did that”

So we thought why not put this information together on our blog.  So welcome to our multi part series of “I didn’t know you did that!” and find out  WHAT’s NEW at Frame It / Waban Gallery and Waban Photo.


Digital archiving, scanning, conversions and organizing.



One of the problems with old photos, videos and film is that they will deteriorate over time to the point that your memories may be badly damaged or lost forever.

Let us help you preserves those precious memories by converting them to digital files that can be shared and enjoyed now and tomorrow.


We all have thousands of photos in all forms and formats from digital files, prints, negatives and slides. So how are they organized? Are yours in a box in the closet or buried somewhere on your computer? Wouldn’t it be great if they could all be organized in a way that you could easily find that one picture you are looking ? That’s where we come it.

We offer organizing services that including scanning, sorting and locating photos on your devices. We then work with you to come up with an organization option specifically tailored to your needs and requirements.

Don’t know where to begin? We will help you with a strategy to get started and keep you going in the right direction.

If you have to much to bring in to the store we offer local in home services as well. We can come to your home and help you sort through your printed photos and find them on your computer as well


Film & Video Conversions

 Do you have reels of old home movie film and video tapes somewhere but don’t know what to do with them? Have us transfer them to DVD, Blu-ray and digital files that you can share with family and friends and play on your computer, tablet, phone or TV. Just bring them to us and we do the rest.

We can also make them into a DVD’s with chapter markers, printed case and discs so they look just like a disc you would buy at a store.

Audio Conversions

If you are like me you probably have old audio tapes laying around with recordings of you or someone in the family playing music or performing. Let us transfer those recordings from your cassettes, micro cassettes, reel to reel tapes to digital audio files so you can listen to them again on your computer, tablet and phone.

Audio and video conversion information

Negatives and Slides

What do you do with all those old slides and negatives?  Don’t throw them out! We will covert all your old negatives and slides to today’s’ digital file formats. Slides and negative deteriorate over time so digitizing them is an important step to preserving them. Plus once they are digitized they can finally be viewed, printed, shared and incorporated into books or slideshows.  We have the ability to scan all your film based pictures into a digital file that is viewable on just about everything.

Printed Photos

We all have boxes of family photos somewhere that need to be digitally archived.

It can be an overwhelming task to go through and decide what to keep and not keep. We can help you sort and organize the pictures for scanning. We then handle all the scanning and file labeling so you can actually find the photos once they are on your computer.

We also have some great bulk scanning rates and can create proof books of all the images so you have a reference quid to all the scanned images.

Scanning information

Photo Restoration

Now that you have sorted through your pictures I’m sure you have come across some irreplaceable images that are not in good shape. Our restoration services can repair faded and damaged images to make them look great again. It’s time to enjoy you families legacy again with restored pictures of you most precious moments.

Restoration information

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